The oil separators have to be installed in a vertical position.
If the condenser is installed in a higher position compared to the oil separator, then it is advisable to insert a check valve to avoid the coolant returning into the separator.
It is necessary that when filling up with the oil as specified on the table, it is inserted through the exit pipe fitting.
The body of the separator must be kept cold during the soldering of the in and out connections.
The diameter of the separator must not be smaller than the diameter of the delivery compressor.
In order to avoid excessive disturbance and noise, we advise avoiding excessive speed or the use of gas coolants through the separator, the advised speed is 0.4 - 0.6 m/s.
In order to control the correct working of the separator we advise to install an indicatore type SPL on the return line of the oil to the compressor.

The filter body is 100% stainless steel.
The flare connection unions are in copper steel while the unions to be welded are 100% copper.
The internal filter is made of pure borosilicate.
Operating conditions
Temperature -20°C +100°C


GAR Srl - P.IVA 11157450153 
Via Edison, 215 - Settimo Milanese 20019 (MI) Italy
Telefono (r.a.) +39 02.4562360 / Fax. +39 02.4563046 e-mail: info@garsrl.it
Capitale sociale € 10400,00 i.v. - Registro imprese MI 11157450153 - R.E.A.:1442059